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Veröffentlichungen aus dem Verbundvorhaben KliMoBay

Development and Installation of a Measurement Concept in the Peatland Königsdorfer Weidfilz based on a Conceptual Hydrologic Model


Sebastian Friedrich, 2020, Lehrstuhl für Hydrologie und Flussgebiets­management,Technische Universität München, Masterarbeit

Anthropogenic altered peatlands contribute to climate change with emitting greenhouse gases. In Germany only a few natural peatlands with potential to store CO2 are left. As a result, governments in most federal states start countermeasures. For the Bavarian territory KliMoBay project aims to predict peatland produced greenhouse gas emissions until 2050. To achieve this goal, the Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management at the Technical University Munich was entrusted with the hydrological measurement and modeling of the peatlands. Initially, suitable study sites for instrumentation were chosen. This thesis focuses on equipping and installing the first site Königsdorfer Weidfilz. This raised bog was analyzed with data from literature research, field observations as well as chemical and physical properties. With this preliminary investigation, a hydrological conceptual model was developed to indicate the main water fluxes needed to be measured. Accordingly, the following sensors were selected for the study area. Considering the challenging properties of peatlands, a pluviometer for precipitation, a compact weather station including a net radiometer for evapotranspiration and piezometers for the water level fluctuations were installed. The peat discharge containing runoff and exfiltration needed to be measured indirectly. Therefore, the present artificial channel system within the peat dome was used. With a Thomson weir (not installed by time of writing this thesis) for the inflow and a stage-discharge approach at the outflow the contributary water could be measured. Not only peat discharge is pouring in the system but also groundwater. To separate both a method using elect. conductivity was developed and tested with satisfactory outcome. Still occurring uncertainties of the groundwater elect. conductivity lower the precision of this method and needed to be solved. As result all major occurring fluxes from the hydrological conceptual model can be measured for the future ongoing KliMoBay project, except the uncertain groundwater interaction underneath the peat dome.

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Gesamtprojektleitung: Prof. Dr. Matthias Drösler | Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf | Am Hofgarten 1 |  Freising  

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